Category Archives: Learning to blog

“So how’s your new blog going?”

Ah, yes, well.

It’s been almost two weeks since I launched this little blog so I thought I’d share a little bit about how it’s going:

First, the bad news…

1. Our internet is sketchy at best – sometimes out for days at a time.

2. My perfectionist tendencies have reared their ugly head (s?). As in, if I haven’t learned how to post something exactly just so, I don’t do it at all.

3. I don’t own a laptop. Waaaa?-you say. Am I the ONLY laptopless (oh my, that sounds nasty) blogger?

4. I get so frustrated since I still can’t figure out things like how to use my cool downloaded font, create a blog button, pop a photo onto the side bar, and on and on.

Okay, enough with the downers. Here’s the good stuff…

1. Jennifer (a Twitter friend) reminded me that I only need to post if I have something to say. The great news is that I have plenty to say (and plenty of pics to share) but I just need to be patient with the learning curve that comes with creating a new blog.

2. My son has a gorgeous laptop, that he will, on occasion, loan to me.

3. I’ve definitely learned some new blog related stuff over these two weeks, such as:

a) I can embed a link, well, not always where I want it, but still (see Mentions on my sidebar)

b) When Theresa (another Twitter friend)

asked us San Diego gals if we had “blog buttons” for the San Diego GNO site, I actually knew what those were. I just don’t know how to make one yet.
c) I learned how to change my Gravatar (the little pic that goes next to my name when I comment on my own or another’s blog). Well, actually, my teenager helped me do that.
d) I can now do a pingback/trackback with the best of them. Sort of. Not really.
e) I managed to create a “custom header” with my own photo. Ok, again, the other teenager helped me do that.
4. I’ve trained myself to stop checking the blog stats page one thousand times a day (my crappy internet helps with that). I’ve learned that not a a lot of folks look at my ABOUT page-hmmm.
5. Some wonderful friends, family, and just random folk have left comments on my posts.
6. Nichole from littlebrownpen welcomed me to the blogosphere on Twitter-that was very exciting indeed.
7. I made it into the awesome blog it forward that Victoria from sfgirlbybay is hosting. Here’s the schedule Check it out, it’s so, well, inspiring! My post date is March 23rd.
6. And BEST OF ALL, Holly Becker from decor8 mentioned MY blog on her haus maus blog. Wowie KAzowie for sure.